Calendar profiles

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Calendar profiles page allows a Supervisor to link a calendar to an Employee or Supervisor User profile. To access the Calendar profiles page, select Calendar profiles from the left-hand pane on the Calendar maintenance page.

When you navigate to the Calendar profiles page you will see a list of User profiles. For example:

Note: <undefined> means no calendar has been linked to the User profile.

The list contains the Code and Description of each profile along with what calendars have been linked to the profile. From the above example, an Employee with the EMPFULL User profile has access to the calendars for Clockings and Rostering availability in the Calendar feature.

Supervisor can modify what calendars User profiles have access to by clicking on the information under the Calendar column of the relevant profile. The example below is the Modify page for the profile PARTIAL:

A field called Calendars is available and clicking on it will open a drop-down list of all available calendars to link to the User profile.

Select the calendar(s) to link to a profile and click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the changes and to be taken back to the updated Calendar profiles page or alternatively, click Cancel in the left-hand pane to abort any changes.

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