Clocking in and out as a Supervisor

Karishma Updated by Karishma

If the Web clocking feature has been enabled for you and you are allowed to make T&A clockings, you will be able to use T&A to clock in and/or out for your selected Employee. Access to the relevant clocking page is available from the drop-down Header pane by clicking T&A in the header. You may also be able to access these pages from the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets if they are displayed on your Dashboard.

Selecting Clock from the T&A menu or clicking the Clock shortcut opens the Clock page which allows you to make an In clocking, an Out clocking or gives you the option to view your Recent clockings.

On the Clock page, you may see additional clocking options. For example, you may be able to edit the Date and Time of the clocking:

Depending on how your system administrator has setup your system, selecting Clock in or Clock out from the T&A menu, or the Clock in or Clock out shortcut, will automatically make the appropriate clocking and a success message will appear on the top of your dashboard to confirm the clocking. Or, if your system has been setup differently, clicking Clock in or Clock out opens the Clock in or Clock out page:

Note: an Employee that is allowed to clock will be taken to the above pages if in System preferences > Clockings > Security the preference 'Time zone offset when clocking' is set to 'Client time zone'.

These pages are used to record T&A in and/or out clockings. Details of your most recent clockings can be accessed by clicking Recent clockings in the left-hand navigation panel.

Note: the current date and time are displayed by default but the format of the fields is a browser-dependent feature and may look different from the previous example.

If you typically work at multiple locations, you may be able to select a Site code (a T&A code used to identify a single site or location) to associate with your clocking. You may also be able to select a Keyed code (a T&A Absence or Worked hours code) to associate with your clocking, for example:

Note: you may also be able to record both T&A and TAS clockings from the same page.

If the Web clocking feature has not been enabled for you, a warning will be displayed when navigate to the Clock page. For example:

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Clocking TAS
