Shift actions

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Shift data type available in Calendars and Group planner allows a Supervisor, with access, to a number of actions. The actions available can be found in the right-hand pane when highlighting a date range on the planner that contains unprocessed days. For example:

The actions for the Employees highlighted date range on unprocessed days are:

  • Insert shift — opens a pop-up to select a Shift from a drop-down list and inserts the shift(s) into the selected day(s). If the option 'Replace overlapped shifts' is selected, the inserted shift will overwrite any existing shifts that occur at the same time

  • New shift — same as Insert shift but with the option to modify the Start and End times of the selected shift

  • Find cover — allows supervisors to assign employees to cover shifts in the event of an absence.
  • Revert to roster — remove all non-rostered shifts that start on the selected day(s) and if applicable, replace them with the planned shifts the Employee is rostered for

The shift actions available for an Employee's planned shifts on unprocessed days are:

  • Modify shift — opens a pop-up with the option to modify the Start and End times of the shift. If the option 'Replace overlapped shifts' is selected, the modified shift will overwrite any existing shifts that occur at the same time

Note: a shift that has been modified will appear on the planner with a * sign next to the shift times

  • Delete shift — removes the planned shift from the planner

  • Change shift — opens a pop-up with a drop-down list to select a shift that will replace the currently planned shift. If the option 'Replace overlapped shifts' is selected, the changed shift will overwrite any existing shifts that occur at the same time
  • Find cover — allows supervisors to assign employees to cover shifts in the event of an absence.
  • Overtime — opens a pop-up that allows a Supervisor to preauthorise any overtime for the selected Employees planned shift. For example:

Input the amount of Hours the overtime will be and input the Start time (the available start times are displayed under the field). Finally, select the pay rate of the overtime and click  Submit  to save the changes and authorize the overtime.

Note: the overtime length and the pay rate will now appear in the details of the planned shift.

  • Add additional payment — allows an employee's expenses to be added and recorded against shifts. Note: payments can be added from the Planner but not viewed. For this reason, it is recommended that payments are added from the Calendar.

  • Jobs — allows supervisors to assign jobs to an employee's shifts.

Additional actions are available when you click on an Employee ID and name to view the summary, actions and totals of an Employee. For example:

The actions for the Employee are:

  • Planned shifts — opens the Planned shifts page where the selected Employees planned shifts are displayed in a list. See Planned shifts for more details

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