Clocking T&A

Karishma Updated by Karishma

If the Web clocking feature has been enabled for you and you are allowed to make T&A clockings, you will be able to use T&A to clock in and/or out. Access to the relevant clocking page is available from the drop-down Header pane by clicking T&A in the header. You may also be able to access these pages from the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets if they are displayed on your Dashboard.

Selecting Clock from the T&A menu or clicking the Clock shortcut opens the Clock page which allows you to make an In clocking, an Out clocking or gives you the option to view your Recent clockings. For example:

Depending on how you system administrator has setup your system, selecting Clock in or Clock out from the T&A menu, or the Clock in or Clock out shortcut, will automatically make the appropriate clocking and a success message will appear on the top of your dashboard to confirm the clocking. Or, if your system has been setup differently, clicking Clock in or Clock out opens the Clock in or Clock out page:


These pages are used to record T&A in and/or out clockings. Details of your most recent clockings can be accessed by clicking Recent clockings in the left-hand navigation panel.

On the Clock page, you may see additional clocking options. For example, you may be able to edit the Date and Time of the clocking:

Note: the current date and time are displayed by default but the format of the fields is a browser-dependent feature and may look different from the previous example.

If you typically work at multiple locations, you may be able to select a Site code (a T&A code used to identify a single site or location) to associate with your clocking. You may also be able to select a Keyed code (a T&A Absence or Worked hours code) to associate with your clocking, for example:

Note: you may also be able to record both T&A and TAS clockings from the same page.

If the Web clocking feature has not been enabled for you, a warning will be displayed when navigate to the Clock page. For example:

View a clocking

To view the details of an existing Clocking in a Work record, expand the Clockings panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Clockings DirectionTime or Category of the relevant row. A clocking details page opens showing the existing values for the row. For example:

The previous example shows the details for a T&A clocking made on '16/09/2015' at '09:15'. The Clocking Type is highlighted with a coloured background; green in this instance for a T&A 'In' Clocking. No location is recorded for the Clocking.

The other fields shown are: UsedOriginal and Platform, are defined by your system administrator and may not be displayed.

  • Used — whether the Clocking has been processed. All Clockings displayed in the Clock card have been processed since they are associated with Work records
  • Original — whether the Clocking has been edited since it was made, for example by your Supervisor . The Clocking in the previous example is not an original Clocking
  • Platform — how the Clocking was made, e.g. at a terminal, on a mobile device or web-based. In the previous example 'Windows' was used to make the clocking.

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Edit work record page.

Modify a clocking

To modify the details of an existing clocking in a Work record, expand the Clockings panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Direction, Time or Category of the Clocking you wish to modify. A Modify clocking page opens showing the existing values for the selected clocking. For example:

You can change the Clocking TypeDirectionTimeLatitude and Latitude. For TAS clockings you can also change any TAS category values. You can only change the Date and Time if the Work record spans multiple days, typically for a night shift.

Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. Any changes you make are highlighted with a  Draft  tag.

Note: if you attempt to change the Date or Time of a clocking where the changes would fall outside the start and end times recorded for the Shift in T&A, a warning is displayed when you click  Submit . For example:

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the modification and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any change you make to your Clockings may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a  Request  tag.

Delete a clocking

To delete an existing Clocking from a Work record, expand the Clockings panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Direction, Time or Category of the Clocking you wish to delete. A Modify Clocking page opens showing the existing values for the row. Click Delete at the bottom of the page. A pop-up window opens asking if you want to delete the payment. For example:

Click  Delete  to proceed and return to the Edit work record page with the Clocking row removed. Click Cancel to abandon the deletion.

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the modification and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any change you make to your Clockings may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a   Request  tag.

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