
Visitor badges

Karishma Updated by Karishma


Visitor badges are used for identification and to provide temporary access for visitors to your organisation. The T&A Visitor booking feature allows you to issue a badge to a visitor you have created a booking for. At the end of the visit you can also return the badge so that it can be re-issued to another visitor.

Issuing a Visitor badge

To issue a visitor badge, first navigate to the Visitor booking page and locate the relevant visitor booking. Click on their First name or Surname of the booking to open the Modify existing visitor booking page. The Issue visitor badge action is available in the left-hand navigation pane:

Clicking this action opens the Issue visitor badge page. For example:

The page displays the visitor name and a drop-down list of available badges for the booking:

Select a badge from the list and click  Issue . The Modify existing visitor booking page is displayed with an image of the visitor if this has been recorded in T&A. For example:

Note: The Badge number is displayed at the top of the page and the Issue visitor badge and Delete visitor action is replaced with a Return visitor badge action in the left-hand navigation pane.

The Badge number is also displayed in the Assigned badge column on the Visitor booking page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the issue of a visitor badge and return to the Modify existing visitor booking page.

Note: if all of the available badges have already been issued to visitors, a 'No badges available to issue' message is displayed. For example:

Click OK to close the message and return to the Modify existing visitor booking page. You may need to modify your visitor booking to select a different badge type.

Returning a Visitor badge

If you have issued a badge to a visitor, when the badge is no longer needed by the visitor it can be returned so that it is available to be issued to somebody else.

To return a previously issued badge, first navigate to the Visitor booking page and locate the relevant visitor booking. Click on the First name or Surname of the booking to open the Modify visitor booking page. Click the Return visitor badge action in the left-hand navigation pane. The Return visitor badge page opens. For example:

Click  Return  to return the issued badge and display the original Modify visitor booking page with the Issue visitor badge action available from the left-hand navigation pane. Click Cancel to abort the visitor badge return.

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