Copy period to action

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The 'Copy period to' action copies a selected Employees highlighted planned shifts to other employees. The 'Copy period to' action is available in the right-hand pane when a day or a range of days is highlighted for an Employee on the Group planner. Clicking the action opens the following page:

The Source section is pre-populated with the selected Employee and the Start and End date is filled with the date range highlighted before clicking the 'Copy period to' action. This section allows a Supervisor to choose the period to copy the planned Shifts from using the Start and End date fields along with the field to select the Number of times to copy forward. For example, if you enter '2' in the Number of times to copy forward field, then the planned Shifts for the current period will be copied forward into the subsequent two periods.

The Destination section has a field to select what Employee(s) will receive the planned Shifts from the copied period. Click on the Employee field and select the Employee(s) from a drop-down list.

There are additional check-boxes at the bottom in the Elements to copy section. These are TAS, Rostered jobsAdditional payments (expenses etc.) and Planned code changes which are associated with the Shifts in the copied period.

Clicking Submit copies the period forward to the appropriate time period in the Group planner for the selected Employees.

Note: copying a period overwrites any existing planned Shifts and elements in the destination period.

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