Requesting absence deletions fails when absence was booked before using TMS v8.27

Issue Reported:  If TMS absences were booked on a version that doesn't have "Absence splitting" (i.e. before v8.27), when you request the absence to be deleted the deletion fails. The request looks like it was successful and gets removed from the pending list, but the actual absence deletion just doesn't do anything.

Solution for customers prior to 8.27:  This issue has been fixed by our Development Team from TMS v8.31.1.0 who need to upgrade from a version prior to 8.27.   The latest versions of TMS can be requested via mitrefinch support.

Solution for customers who already upgraded:  it has been determined by our Development Team that it is not possible to correct TMS absences which were previously booked prior to v8.27 as part of the upgrade process.  However after TMS version or above is applied, a new Tool is available which will correct the absences and allow them to be deleted if required.  Instructions are shown below:

  1. Ensure you have upgraded to TMS version or above.
  2. Navigate to your WINTMS directory and load SYSGEN.EXE as the MASTER user.
  3. Select the menu Tools > Upgrade existing absences for split

Once the process is completed, exit from SYSGEN.

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TMS 8 Upgrade Guide
