T&A Instructions for UK Time Change in Autumn 2021

Karishma Updated by Karishma


On Sunday 31st October 2021 the clocks will be going back by 1 hour due to the end of Daylight Saving Time.  The purpose of this document is to ensure that all your T&A units are correctly updated with the adjusted time on Sunday morning.    

The time shown on all T&A units is taken from your Polling PC time via the T&A Poller job called ‘Synchronise Clocks’.  Therefore, you need to ensure that your ‘Polling PC’ time is automatically updated via your operating system and that a ‘Synchronise Clocks’ job is scheduled to run following the time change.  Instructions on how to perform this can be found in section 2 of this document.

Please note if you have a Fire Evacuation System (FES) then you do NOT need to perform these instructions and instead please refer to the FES Time Change document. 

Should you require any assistance or have any questions about the instructions then please contact OneAdvanced Support by raising a ticket via our support portal website by clicking here.

How to ensure your Polling PC time adjusts automatically 

The following instructions apply to Windows 2008, 2012, 2016, Vista, 7, 8 or 10.

  • On the Polling PC open the time control option by right-hand clicking on the time located in bottom right hand corner of the screen and choose the option Adjust Date/Time.  If this option is disabled, then you will need to contact your IT department.  
  • Ensure that the current date and time are correct.  Then click the ‘Change time zone’ button and set the time zone to ‘(UTC) Dublin Edinburgh, Lisbon, London’.   If using Windows Vista then click on the Time Zone tab and set the time zone to (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time.
  • Then ensure that the option ‘Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes’ is ticked and click on OK.  In Windows Vista there is a message telling you whether the PC will adjust automatically.

How to add a Synchronise Clocks job to the T&A Poller

 In order to ensure that the adjusted time is updated to all the T&A units, you need to ensure that a ‘Synchronise Clocks’ job is scheduled to run on your poller on early Sunday morning.   Below are instructions on how to add a ‘Synchronise Clocks’ job: 

  • Load T&A as the MASTER user and click on the menu Launch > Site monitor.    
  • Then right click on the ‘Poller’ icon and select ‘Command List’.  A list of jobs should now display. 

Note: If you already have a ‘Synchronise Clocks’ job at 3:00 or 3:01 which runs on Sunday (daily or weekly) then ignore the remaining steps and select Close and Exit.

  • To add a job, click on the New button and select the job type to Synchronise clocks.  Set the Job frequency to Repeat other and enter 7 within Days between jobs. Alternatively, the Job frequency can be set to Temporary, however this method will not synchronise automatically for future time changes.
  • Ensure Next action is set to 3:01 on 31/10/2021. 
  • Enable All under ‘Terminals on this poller’.

  • Once the information has been entered click on the OK button and then check that the ‘Synchronise Clocks’ job appears on the automatic job scheduler to run at 3:01.  
  • Click on the CLOSE button and within the Site Monitor program click on the menu File > Exit.  

Confirmation following Time Change

When you return to work after the time change, Windows will have updated time on the Polling PC and you will be asked to confirm the new time.  A message similar to the one below will appear: 


Windows has updated your clock as a result of Daylight Savings Time. Please verify that your new clock settings are correct.


Click on OK once you have confirmed the time/date is correct and check the T&A units have the correct time displayed.  Please note that in some versions of Windows the time does not change until you click on OK.  If this is the case, you may need to run a ‘Synchronise job’ via the poller again.  If any units did not update correctly or if you find that polled clocking’s are incorrect by 1 hour, then contact T&A Support. 

Should you require any assistance or have any questions about the instructions then please contact Advanced Support by raising a ticket via our support portal website by clicking here.

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T&A Instructions for UK Time Change in Spring 2021
