FES Instructions for UK Time Change in Spring 2021

Karishma Updated by Karishma



On Sunday 28th March 2021 the clocks will be going forward by 1 hour due to the BST Time change.   

The purpose of this document is to ensure that all of your Advanced units connected via a Fire Evacuation System (FES) are correctly updated with the adjusted time on Sunday morning. If you are unsure whether you have a FES System then an example screenshot is shown below:

The time shown on all Advanced units connected to a FES System is taken from the FES unit.  The instructions below explain how to setup FES to automatically adjust the BST time.  

Should you require any assistance or have any questions about the instructions then please contact Advanced Support by raising a ticket via our support portal website by clicking here.  

How to enable the Time Change within FES  


Please note that during steps 2, 3 and 4 your fire evacuation system will NOT be active, though it will catch up once you complete step 4.  

  • On the FES unit, exit the current FES session by Pressing Crtl + F10 together then when prompted ‘Y’. This will take you to your DOS prompt.  
  • Type IPMENU or (if using FES version 5.00 and above) enter MODMF at the command prompt then press Enter. This should load your Interactive Poller Utilities.  

If it does not, then type CD IPMF and press Enter.  Then type IPMENU or MODMF (depending on version) and press Enter.  

  • In versions below 5.00 FES use the arrow keys and then ‘Enter’ key to select “System Parameters” and then “Miscellaneous details”.  Or if version 5.00 and above just select “Miscellaneous details”.  Then press page down twice and at the bottom of the screen under the section ‘BST changes’ it should contain two changes dates. Ensure that ‘Forward’ contains the date 28-03-2021 

Useful tip - In order to avoid having to perform this change again for the Autumn time change you can enter 31-10-2021 in the Back section.   

  • Press F1 to Accept and the Escape key until you return to the DOS prompt 5. Then type IPMF to return back to the main FES screen.  


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